Research Privacy Policy

Processing of Personal Data in Research

This announcement describes how your personal data is processed in an EU-funded research, development and innovation project Redesign Belonging (ReBel). Redesign Belonging project’s ultimate goals are to improve belonging of migrant women in the society. 


The controller determines the purposes and means for the processing of the personal data of this research.

Project Coordinator:
Laurea University of Applied Sciences
Ratatie 22
01300 Vantaa

Project partners:
• Vihreä Sivistysliitto Visio ry / Educational Centre Visio, Mannerheimintie 15B A, 00260 Helsinki, Finland
• What Design Can Do / What Design Can Do, Tweede Kostverlorenkade 123H, Amsterdam 1053 SE, the Netherlands
• Fundacion Euroarabe de Altos Estudios (Fundea) / Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies, Calle San Jeronimo 27, Granada 18001, Spain

Contact person

Project Manager
Suvi Valsta
Ratatie 22, 01300 Vantaa

Purpose for the processing

Redesign Belonging (ReBel) is a project that aims to foster solidarity and promote sense of belonging among migrant women who have been in host countries for more than five years. By involving these women in co-creative activities with professional designers, the project aims to develop innovative models and solutions for integration, tailored to various contexts within the EU.

Personal data from the research participants is collected to process their consent for the research and to track any request for removal of data.

Data subjects are not subjected to automated decision making.

Legal basis of processing of personal data

Personal data is processed on the following basis in accordance with Article 6 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation:

  • Consent of data subject

If the basis for processing personal data is consent, you can withdraw your consent by contacting the contact person above.

Categories of personal data

Types of personal data collected:

  • name and email address to record and identify consent given to research participation;
  • demographical data (country of residency, country of origin, gender, age, education level) provided by consenting participants, providing this data is optional and not required to participate in the workshops and events;
  • photos from co-creation workshops and events where the data subjects are not recognisable, participants can also refuse having their unidentifiable pictures taken;
  • anonymous feedback from the workshops and events that will not contain personal data.

Special categories of personal data will not be collected as part of data gathering in this project.

Sources of personal data

Personal data required to process consent for participating in the research is collected prior to the co-creation workshops and events either by means of electronic form or paper form. Personal data will not be gathered from other sources.

Recipients of personal data

Personal data will not be transferred outside of project partners and will not be used for other purpose than research.

Third countries to which data is transferred

Personal data will not be transferred outside the EU or EEA countries.

Processing of personal data during and after the project

Length of the research project: 6/2024–2/2026

Personal data required for processing consent and its withdrawal will be processed separately from the optional demographic data, workshop and event data and deliverables, and anonymous event feedback.

After the project has ended

  • personal data related to processing consent will be retained on Laurea storage space according to retention policies of Laurea Records Management Plan.
  • research data will be archived:
    • without identifiable personal information:
      • the representative results from co-creation workshops and events will be disseminated through project publications and via submissions to applicable research journals,
      • pseudonymised co-creation workshop and event data and participant created deliverables, their analysis, and results will be archived indefinitely according to Laurea Records Management Plan retention policies to inform further research opportunities and projects.
  • Research data will not be made publicly accessible as a so-called “open data.”

Principles of register protection

The data security and protection instructions of Laurea University of Applied Sciences apply to the management of the register in Laurea’s systems. Project partners apply their own data security and protection instructions to the management of data in their own systems.

Gathered data is processed on the project’s Teams workspace and on Laurea’s and partner organisations’ physical laptops. The use of project’s Teams workspace is restricted by means related to the network and account access rights and the data stored in Teams is located on the Microsoft EU servers. Physical laptops are restricted by means of account access rights.

The physical research material is kept in a locked room and only the parties involved have access to it.

Identifiable personal data required for processing consent is stored separately from the indirect personal data and those two data sets will be processed separately to keep the research data anonymous. If gathered research data contains identifiable reference to a research participant, the data will be pseudonymised before data analysis.

Rights of data subject

  • You can withdraw your consent and request the erasure of your consent-based data by contacting the contact person mentioned above.
  • You can obtain information about whether your personal data is processed, and which personal data is processed. If there are any inaccuracies or errors in the processing of your personal data, you have the right to request your personal data to be rectified or supplemented.
  • You can restrict the processing of your personal data in certain situations, such as if you deny the accuracy of your personal data.
  • You can file a complaint with the data protection authority if you believe that your personal data has been processed in violation of data protection legislation.

If the processing of personal data in research does not require the identification without additional information of the data subject and the data subject cannot be identified from the material, then the right to access, correct, erase, and restrict processing does not apply.

If the rights prevent the achievement of the research purpose or make it very difficult, in certain individual cases these rights may be derogate on the grounds set out in the Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act. The need to derogate from the rights is always assessed on a case-by-case basis.

The contact person in matters related to the data subject’s rights is the data protection officer. Laurea’s data protection officer is Marjo Valjakka,

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