About the ReBel project
Redesign Belonging (ReBel) is a project that aims to foster solidarity and promote sense of belonging among migrant women who have been in host countries for more than five years. By involving these women in co-creative activities with professional designers, the project aims to develop innovative models and solutions for integration, tailored to various contexts within the EU.
The activities will take place in parallel in the other countries involved, bringing together migrant women with local citizens, NGO representatives, local and regional authorities, in workshops where open dialogue between the groups will be promoted. Migrants will be able to present the obstacles they faced, and continue to face, in integrating into the host society, as well as their resilience strategies.
Project objectives
- Provide actionable recommendations to influence local and international policy.
- Address integration gaps by exploring barriers and resilience strategies.
- Foster and empower migrant women’s sense of belonging through co-creation model.
ReBel project is co-financed by the European Commission in the framework of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV). The project consortium includes Laurea University of Applied Sciences (Finland, coordinator), Euro-Arab Foundation for Higher Studies (Spain), Educational Centre Visio (Finland) and the international organization What Design Can Do (The Netherlands)